Friday, 30 April 2021

 Today i went to the park with my mum, two brothers and my nana. Later today i take the family dog for a walk with my mum, two brothers and my nana to get our dinner. I had a fun day with my family.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

 Today i went to Panmure with my mum, two brothers and my nana we went to Postie, The Salvation Army, Mobile & More, then went to Cafe with no name and got a hot chocolate, Red Cross and then come home.Later got the bus to Animates to get the family dog somethings and then went to the supermarket then got the bus home. Just watching some T.V with my family.

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

 Today i watch my mum and big brother train the family dog. After that my mum, two brothers and my nana take the dog for this walk. Then we went to do the shopping with my mum, nana and two brothers.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

 Today i played with the family dog with my mum, two brothers and we training him to sit and stay. Later on i watch some T.V with my baby brother when my mum and my big brother take the dog for a walk. 

Monday, 26 April 2021

Today i play outside with my mum and my two brothers and the dog i was play with with the dog.
later i sat an watch my mum training or family dog with sit and stay. I have a fun day.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

 Today my mum two brothers and my nana went down to Pamnure to the RSA to see the flower for ANZAC day. We all come home and we play with the dog with some of our dog toys it was so fun. we had a great day.

Friday, 23 April 2021

 Today i played hide and seek with my two brothers. I take the family dog for a walk with my mum, two brothers and my nana and on our way home it started to rain so we had to run home. After i had done everything my mum painted my nails and toe nails. 

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

 Today i went over to the church because they had the op shop open and i got some clothes and some toys 

when i got home i put them way.

I watched a movie with my baby brother.

Monday, 19 April 2021

 Today i play hide and seek with my little brother and big brother. My mum, little brother, big brother and my nana take our family dog Milo for a walk.

Sunday, 18 April 2021

 Today i help my mum with the weeds down our drive way i pick the weeds up with my baby and big brother before the rain come down 

 Today i am staying home and going to play with my baby brother with some toys and later today i am going to watch a movie with my baby brother and my mum

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Family dog

I went for a walk with my Mum, Big and Little Bother, and Nana we went down to Panmure town.

we take the family dog with us and now he is 7 Month and 4 Weeks next Monday our dog Milo will be 8 Months old.

Our dog is Black and White and I love our dog Milo.

Help at home

Yesterday i help my mum with the lawn. I went around and pick up some of the grass to help fill in the hole that our family dog made.